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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to opt out of targeted advertisements

I've read quite a few articles on tailored or targeted advertisements on the internet.
As I recall, some provided links to opt out here and there, and also giving advice on particular cookies to watch out for.
But the following article gives the real thing - 2 web pages that completely analyze your ad dependency and present a way to opt out of all these hyper-commercial data gathering monstrosities.

Here's my own score, which frankly got me more than a little spooked!

Go and test your own "degree of privacy breach" after the break.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

XBOX 720 Leaked!

UPDATE - It's getting clearer by the day that this is a hoax

Well, I guess I'm fast enough this time.

Here is the link to the leaked technology paper on the XBOX 720.
Looking good for 299$ ;-)

Check out the very comprehensive discussion of what's inside after the break

Stats and more...

Hey everyone,

I've just passed 3000 unique viewers this weekend after about 1 year of blogging (and a 150 posts). A drop in the ocean called the Internet. But as this blog is something to amuse me and my closest friends, I never asked for more.
I've been quite inactive the last couple of months, though I've still followed most of the news (E3, Nvidia vs AMD, Intel vs AMD, Computex, Wii U, Samsung Galaxy III, Facebook IPO, new Apple stuff etc.). But by the time I could post it on my blog, it was already outdated and I suppose everybody has read about it by then.
So, I'll focus a bit more on the amazing articles I sometimes find online, such as these :

The most dangerous gamer : an in depth look at Jonathan Blow and his games Braid and The Witness


What Facebook knows (about us) - and what is it going to do with that ?

Hope you like these and come back for more!