I'm currently playing Darksiders and having a lot of fun in the progress.
It's a great game which some compare to a demonic Zelda (they've even thrown in a horse companion) ;-))
Have a look at the neat fatality combo's, yep the game has lots of (demonic) atmosphere and violence.
Check out this little feat - I think it looks amazing, especially when the little guy starts riding and controls his balance extremely fast! It looks very natural as well, nicely done!
It just doesn't stop. Every high profile MMO that got it's butt kicked is going Freemium.
And now the expansions are going the same way, check out Menace of the Underdark for the elder glory of Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Here's a good channel of video tutorials for DDO (they're Dutch guys I believe)
Then there's STAR TREK which as of now is F2P as well
Check it out here :
Another F2P that came along before the newyear was EVERQUEST 2 :
Check out more info on all three after the break...
Final Update : Finished this one before the weekend - the end fight was quite gritty but the final boss wasn't hard, just a lot of QTE (quick time events). Still, a half decent storyline is wrapped up nicely and could lead to a sequel. It's always a good feeling to finish a game, and I'm pretty pleased with this one.
Update : I'm playing this game right now - at the halfthrough mark - and it's quite sweet. Good game mechanics force you into the combat instead of cowering behind cover - so it's a lot more satisfying! The levels are slightly repetitive but there are many nice touches (like the jetpack levels) and very impressive grand scenes. All'n all a good game (if not a great one)...
I'm talking about SPACE MARINE of course, not those Firewarrior fake attempts from way back.
And, it's actually more of a TPS (3rd person) but check out more on this fine RELIC game after the break...
(ps. the video is from a spanish site, the official one forces you to log on to youtube)