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Monday, October 31, 2011

The History of Battlefield

Just wanted to share this video with everyone - makes it a little easier to understand why 10 million+ people bought the latest Battlefield 3 ;-)

A very nice job - and a whopping 45 minutes! ^_^

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Smart TV's and the gaming revolution

And you thought PC gaming was becoming a niche market?
Check out the article after the break on what the future might have in store for us.

My personal view? Smart Tv's and their games will just have to slug it out with consoles until the uberstreaming services (a la Onlive) get their act together - after that, the technology won't matter anymore...

Battlefield 3 Tips

Increase your XP and your ranking in this awesome military mayhem simulator ;-)
Just check out the article after the break ...

Mario Kart 7 on 3DS

Well, I played a lot of MK on my DS - every noon at work, together with my (ex-)collegues - the four of us having a riot. Good times, for sure!
Number 7 looks like a more than worthy succesor - damn, I wish we could do it all over again! ^_^

Check out the launch video here and multiple previews after the break!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The world's first TRUE Battlefield simulator!

Take a really good look at the video after the break and try and imagine the adrenaline boosting experience this surely must be! Frigging awesome and fittingly expensive of course.

As part of a challenge presenters Jason Bradbury and Suzi Perry brought together a team of design experts and an amazing array of technology worth £500,000 ($650,000) to build this one-off creation.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Battlefield 3 BETA Showcase

Well, I sure hope most of these bugs get eradicated ;-))

Check out the rest beyond the break!

Alien Arena

This looks like a good candidate for the next Lanparty - it's a quality mix of such esteemed peers as Unreal Tournament and Quake 3, called Alien Arena.
There are regular updates and lots of extra maps and best of all : it's FREE !

Have a look at it after the break.

Monday, October 10, 2011

More BF3 Benchies!

Just a quick post to you inform you of some more Battlefield 3 benchmarks.
What's even more helpfull are the screenshots giving you a way to compare the quality of the different gfx settings.

URL after the break...

The BTF LANPARTY came to town!

Okay, so there was no wet T-shirt competition but I did have a really great time at the Battleteam Flanders LANPARTY this weekend!
We got our (over)dose of Teamfortress 2, Company of Heroes, Modern Warfare 1 and a healthy racing fix with BLUR (which was awesome)! There was a great atmosphere and lots of wackyness . Thanks guys!

Medion cashes in on ZTE SKATE

Well well, if it isn't the return of the ZTE Skate!
It seems ALDI (with Medion) has beaten Mobistar to the punch this time...
Looks like it comes with some extra GPS stuff  as well in the package!

As usual, these will be available in limited supplies (as of saturday)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Losing anonimity through Gigapixels

Well, you can't hide in a crowd anymore these days.
After the break you'll see how high resolution cameras allow everyone to be identified.
What makes this set of pictures special is that this is a crowd that minutes later took part in the most destructive riots ever in Vancouver. Check out the video and then be amazed after the break.